
The Church of God believes in Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and in Jerusalem Mother (WMSCOG)

In the Church of God, We can the last truth which lead us to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Church of God only follows the teachings of the Bible and believes in the Second Coming Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and in Jerusalem Mother.

In the Bible, God is referred to through plural terms instead of singular terms, and it is written that God has a male image and a female image . Therefore, God exists in the male image  and in the female image. Then, how do we call the male image of God? God the Father….therefore, how should we call the female image of God?  God the Mother.

All of this time, we’ve been calling God only Father, but our Mother Jerusalem has always been there, since the creation of the world, since the book of Genesis we can find the testimony about Her (Gen 1:26) but, because of the perfect plan of redemption of God and in order to fulfil prophecy, God the Mother has to appear in ther last days. She is the Holy City Jerusalem who comes from heaven to make Her dwelling with man (Rev. 21:4). What a blessing to be in Zion, what a blessing to have Jerusalem Mother, what a blessing to have the chance to hear God’s voice and to walk with Her.

Isni it amazing? We borned  in this world at the same time that our Mother Jerusalem came to this earth in the flesh according through prophecy. If we think about John or Peter who had the blessing to walk with Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, our blessing is much greater  because we can walk with God Almighty in the flesh.

We need our Mother Jerusalem, She was revealed to us by Christ Ahn Sahng Hong, who is the Second Coming Jesus. Let us believe in Christ Ahn Sahng Hong, the Holy Spirit, and in Jerusalem Mother, the Bride, so we can receive eternal life.
Come in the Church of God that God has prepared salvation.
the Church of God is God's dwelling place.

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